Wearer of many hats; private poet, parent in training, antipodean, data geek. Working on a poetry collection series to reflect the individual and collective and experience of societies in lockdown and post-pandemic.

I explore (in reading and writing) the developing intersections of big data, machine learning, communications, behavioural science with radicalisation cultures, 'conspiritulality' and the psychology/sociology of religion. I mainly write poetry, sometimes with commentary, which you can find in publications like The Power of Poetry and The Lark.

As a Medium member, why not sneak a preview of my first e-book (out Jan 2023) - you'll find a link on my home page!

Thank you for reading.

Medium member since December 2020
Anna Murzyn

Anna Murzyn

Wearer of many hats; private poet, parent in parentheses, perpetual nerd and proud of it.